There are two coverages that protect your vehicle if it is damaged. Collison coverage covers accidents that occur when your vehicle collides with another vehicle or object such as a fence, mailbox or tree.  Comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle when the damages result from other than collision. Comprehensive coverage may be referred to as other than collision coverage.
Examples of Comprehensive Coverage
If your auto insurance has comprehensive insurance then you will be protected in the event your car is stolen or vandalized. Comprehensive or Comp coverage will also protect you from Mother Nature. Damages caused by wind or hail storms are covered by Comp. The coverage will also protect you from fire, flood and wildlife, such as deer.
Comprehensive is not a standard feature
While not included with a standard car insurance policy, the coverage can be included. While many drivers choose to include this coverage, adding it should be a decision for the insured. We advise clients to consider the cost of the coverage relative to the value of the car before decided to add or waive the option.